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Sajber kriminal, digitalna istraga i digitalni dokazi
Professor Emeritus, Australian National University, School of Regulation and Global Governance
Assistant Professor, Princeton University, Department of Computer Science & School of Public and International Affairs
Professor, entrepreneur, scientist and consultant, founder and director of the Cybercrime Research Institute
Barrister, IALS associate research fellow, visiting lecturer at the School of Law, University of Tartu, Estonia & founder, publisher and joint editor of the Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review
Professor, Complutense University in Madrid & member of the European Law Institute
Professor, Capitol Technology University (USA), University of East London (UK) and an Adjunct Professor at the Geary Institute for Public Policy Univesity College Dublin (IE). Member of the INTERPOL Global Cybercrime Expert Group and an Academic Advisor to the European Cyber Crime Centre (EC3) at Europol.
Founder of the White Hat Conference. Director of Cybercrime Investigation & Cybersecurity Programs, Boston University Metropolitan College
Professor and Director of Cybercrime & Cybersecurity Studies for Center for the Analysis and Prevention of Crime (CAPoC), University of Scranton
Researcher, founder of Cybersecurity Ventures, Editor-in-Chief at Cybercrime Magazine
Founder & Chairman of International Commission on Cyber Security Law. He is also the President of Cyberlaws.Net and has been working in the pioneering area of Cyber Law, Cyber Security Law & Mobile Law
Digitalna forenzika i sajber bezbednost
Professor, University of Lausanne, School of Criminal Sciences, expert in digital forensic science and cybersecurity incident investigation & Editor-in-Chief of Digital Investigation: The International Journal of Digital Forensics and Incident Response & on the DFRWS Board of Directors
Cryptographer, computer security professional, privacy specialist, writer & lecturer in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School & fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society,
Schneier on Security Blog
Chair of Computer Science at The University of Texas at Austin, and director of its Quantum Information Center, author at The Blog of Scott Aaronson
Researcher, author, ENISA Member & Editor-in-Chief and Co-founder at Cyber Defense Magazine
Researcher, author of, a daily blog on the latest computer security news, opinion, and advice
Founder Black Hat & DEF CON. CISA Cyber Security Advisory Council, UK Gov CA Board, AC Cyberstatecraft & CFR
Founder at Cybersecurity Ventures, Editor-in-Chief at Cybercrime Magazine, and Executive Producer at Cybercrime Radio
A reformed black hat computer hacker that has contributed to over 100 bug bounty programs. The Cyber Dispatch
Author. Speaker, Scientific Hooligan, Chief Chaos Officer at @Truesec. Also @defcongroups& @HackNotCrime Ambassador
Attack surface management & bug bounty. #NahamCon2022 organizer, hacker, speaker & content creator
Digitalni nadzor i privatnost
Professor, University of Ottawa, member of Centre for Law, Technology and Society and an associate of the AI + Society initiative, founder of Surveillance & Society journal
Professor, Tilburg University & founder and co-director of the annual Conference Computer, Privacy, Data Protection
Principal Adviser on the Digital Transition in DG Justice and Consumers, EU Commission; Visiting Professor of Law, College of Europe; Chair Arthur Langerman Foundation; Trustee of the Leo Baeck Institute, New York
Research Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE). Co-Director of the Research Group on Law Science Technology and Society studies (LSTS) at the Faculty of Law and Criminology. Principle Investigator (pun intended) at COHUBICOL Project
Affiliated Professor, University of Copenhagen (DK). Senior Fellow, Future of Privacy Forum
Research Scholar, Stanford Internet Observatory & Associate Director of Surveillance and Cybersecurity, Stanford Center for Internet and Society