CCRS covers several topics essential for comprehending the negative implications of the information society and its transformation into metaverse
The possibilities of using technology against and to the detriment of individuals and society are not negligible. Due to the sophistication of the means and modus operandi for committing crime in cyberspace, state authorities use special methods and techniques to investigate and obtain evidence of criminal activities. However, the question arises whether in legislating and implementing these investigative actions and measures, a proper balance is achieved between the suppression of crime and interests of criminal procedure, on the one hand, and human rights protection, on the other.
The potential for (mis)use of technology manifests itself in the ubiquitous, comprehensive surveillance and mass processing of personal data, which states justify by fighting modern forms of crime, while economic entities use them for commercial purposes. In this way, an unprecedented invasion into the protected privacy zone occurs.
Cyber security and promotion of digital privacy are logical reaction to all these dangers, in terms of prevention and adequate response to incidents, and of protection from indiscriminate surveillance and personal data processing as well.
What are CCRS Topis?
We help the general, professional and scientific public in the research of CCRS topics, by collecting information, and making it available in one place
Information is available on Up2Date pages
We collect and share information on:
Study programs, courses, workshops, laboratories, platforms (KnowHow)
Initiatives, centers, organizations, associations, groups (NetWork)
Scientific and professional conferences, symposiums, meetings, seminars (Events)
Personal sites, blogs, channels, etc. of VIPs (People)
Scientific research, development and application projects (Projects)
Journals, proceedings, magazines, aggregators, blogs, podcasts (Periodicals)
A monthly review of information
A pdf with links towards sources is published on the last day of the month
Contains information linked to the source and sorted by CCRS topics
One text is published every week
Enthusiasts share their stories, opinions and research results
We help the general, professional and scientific public in the research of CCRS topics, by collecting relevant references and sharing information on them with interested parties
The bibliography is being continuously updated, and references on certain topics are sent upon request
We collect and share these references:
legal rules
best practice
scientific papers
expert papers
study cases
other relevant publications
CCRS topics are hype globally - however, it seems that their importance in Serbia is not sufficiently recognized or researched
By studying CCRS topics in the global framework, we contribute to:
Raising Awareness of
cybercrime, digital surveillance and cybersecurity in Serbia
Information on how and whom to report a crime, a digital privacy violation and a security incident is available on Report! page