Cyber Security
Security in cyberspace
Prevention, protection, attacks and response
Amateurs hack systems, professionals hack people
Network security. IP security. IoT security. Cyberattack. Web attacks. Drive-by download attack. SQL injections. Cross-site scripting. DDos attacks. Password attacks. Eavesdropping attacks. Brute-force and dictionary network attacks. Insider threats. Man-in-the-middle attacks. AI-powered attacks. Drive-by attacks. Attack vector. Penetration test. Botnet. Electromagnetic interference. Encryption. Decryption. Backdoor. Endpoint protection. Vulnerability. Exploit. Zero-day exploit. Firewall. Spoofing. Authentication. Authentication. Blacklist, blocklist, denylist. Brute force attack. Honeypot. Keylogger. Sandbox. Spoofing. Blue team. Red team. Zero trust. Risk analysis. Risk assessment. Risk management. Certification. Good practice. Standard. Laws. Regulation