Cybercrime, digital surveillance at the border of the criminal zone, violations of the right to digital privacy, incidents of information security - unknowns in Serbia?
General public
The general public in Serbia is insufficiently aware and familiar with cybercrime, incidents of violation of digital privacy and cyber security. Cases are only sporadically reported through the media. But, in general, individuals are of the opinion that it all happens somewhere out there, to someone else, and these topics do not interest them until they become victims of abuse in cyberspace, which has more than real consequences in their lives. What attracts attention are child pornography and similar phenomena, while there is no awareness of other forms of cybercrime and similar incidents. The situation is no better in terms of the authority of competent authorities to implement digital surveillance or knowledge of digital privacy rights and mechanisms for their protection.
Personal data protection mechanisms were created and are being improved through the work of the Commissioner for information of public importance and personal data protection.
The online platform Smart and safe of the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications is the national contact center for the safety of children on the Internet.
Ministry of information and telecommunications and the National CERT have created platforms available to the public for applications incidents of violations of information security.
The National CERT has created a platform For a safer click, in order to raise the level of awareness and knowledge about security in cyberspace.
Associations that make a significant contribution to raising the awareness of the general public about certain aspects of these topics:
- through the implementation of media-supported activities on digital rights and digital surveillance, personal data protection and children's safety on the Internet: SHARE Foundation Partners Serbia, Centar for Safe Internet Center for missing and abused children
- through periodic reporting on digital surveillance, personal data protection and information security on their media platforms: BIRN, Krik
Professional public
The professional public lacks the understanding of what is meant by cybercrime. Employees in the IT sector do not have the necessary level of knowledge about borderline cases between information security breaches and criminal offences. On the other hand, jurists (lawyers, prosecutors, judges, etc.) cannot apply the law (which is sometimes not even adequate) if they do not make an additional effort to understand the technical framework of criminal acts covered by the term cybercrime, which is foreign and unattractive to them. Also, there is insufficient interest among lawyers for the protection of digital privacy in relation to the powers of competent state authorities and digital surveillance in general.
A significant contribution to monitoring the state of information security and detecting security breaches is made by:
Associations that contribute to connecting professions of different profiles for the purpose of exchanging experiences and knowledge:
In the scientific community, there is a certain number of research papers on cybercrime in general, but there is a lack of research on the forms, causes, and consequences of cybercrime, especially in Serbia. Also, only a few works are dedicated to digital investigation, that is, the authorities to collect electronic evidence, and digital forensics, while the implementation of such measures and actions carries with it a significant risk for human rights, especially for digital privacy. Insufficient attention has also been paid to the study of digital surveillance and violations/threats to digital privacy - especially borderline cases that enter the criminal zone. Cyber security incidents are not discussed by the scientific community.
CCRS will contribute to the research and awareness of cybercrime, digital surveillance/privacy, and cybersecurity in Serbia
Following pages are created:
Information on the concept of cybercrime, regulation, criminal acts referred as cybercrime and competent authorities in the fight against cybercrime in Serbia >>
Information on digital surveillance carried out by government authorities for the purposes of criminal proceedings or the protection of national security, digital privacy rights in relation to such surveillance and criminal offenses against digital privacy >>
Information on the concept, regulation, protection measures, responsibility, competent institutions >>