The development of artificial intelligence is advancing ever faster and expanding into ever more areas of human activity. Although the development of artificial intelligence-based tools to support the legal profession has been going on for many years, lawyers are adopting information technologies somewhat more slowly than other professions.
This paper analyzes the existing artificial intelligence techniques and tools for solving legal tasks and the possibilities they offer. The tools are categorized based on the types of legal tasks they solve and the techniques they apply. The results of the analysis show that there are tools that enable efficient automation of many tasks that are often repeated in the legal profession. However, it has been observed that these tools can usually only be afforded by larger firms and that in smaller firms most of the work is still done manually (although smaller firms may benefit the most from the introduction of these tools).
Presented are the possibilities of automating tasks in the field of law using artificial intelligence methods and tools. The results of research in this field and finished software solutions were analyzed.
In the presented solutions, artificial intelligence is mainly used to interpret and generate text written in natural language. This is in line with the fact that the greatest penetration of artificial intelligence is in the field of
legal informatics achieved precisely by applying techniques for natural language processing. Compiling legal acts is certainly one of the most challenging tasks of this type, so the authors of these solutions note that minor corrections are needed on the generated documents.
It can be noted that the tools that have experienced commercial use are predominantly intended for large law firms and legal departments of large companies. This can be attributed to the cost of purchasing and deploying these tools. On the other hand, competition in the legal services market could be the decisive reason why an increasing number of lawyers will start using these solutions. Application of new business models such as software as a service could enable even smaller law offices and companies to catch up with modern information technologies, automate legal tasks and increase effectiveness and efficiency.
For a comprehensive analysis of how modern IT solutions for the legal domain are present in a country, a methodology for evaluating the presence of these technologies should be adopted. One such method is described in (Clark, 2020). One of the directions of further research is the implementation of field research and analysis of the penetration of information technologies in general and artificial intelligence in particular in the legal profession in Serbia and the region. We expect that professional associations such as the European Legal Technology Association (ELTA, 2019) with a branch in Serbia will also play a major role. The results of this research would identify specific tasks that occur in the legal profession, which can be automated by applying the techniques and tools described in this paper.
Vid. M. Marković, S. Gostojić, D. Inđić, “Veštačka inteligencija i pravo: Pregled tehnika i alata za automatizaciju zadataka”. Source: >>